Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

sell one's desires:

To engage in prostitution . See prostitution for synonyms.
See Also: ablutomania, ache for, adelphirexia, agromania, algophily, anaphrodisiac, anaphrodite, anaphroditous, aneroticism, anililagnia, anophelorastia, antiaphrodisiac, apodysophilia, B.U., basoexia, be covetous of, be hot for, compulsion, covet, delire du toucher, desire phase, desire stage, estromania, feel the Colt's tooth, have a hankering for, have a yen for, hawk one's meat, hawk one's pearly, heteroerotic, homoerotic, hypoactive sexual desire, hyposexuality, hysteromania, inappetence, irritable bladder, lagnesis, lascivia, lechery, lust of the flesh, pander, pathic, pornoshop, pornshop, rape drugs, sex arousing, sex shop, sexually arousing, thesauromania, thigmacupidus, thirsty, thygatrilagnia, urge, the, wankmonger

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